2025 Benchrest Competition.

Dartmoor was able to hold another Benchrest competition throughout 2024, despite all the restrictions. The weather is always a factor at Dartmoor, with that said we saw our highest score for an outdoor range 250 - 14x achieved by Paul Salmon. Paul also won our summer league and the SWEFTA final.

The competition will run this year following SWEFTA rules and our own procedures, as agreed at our AGM, SWEFTA will be holding their AGM at the start of October. How this will impact on us is not known at this time.
This year's club competition will begin in March, and we are hoping that several more of the SWEFTA clubs will be participating. Because of the differences in range location, course topography, and weather conditions, actual points scores cannot be meaningfully compared across the region, but by converting the scores into a percentage of the best achieved on the day at each club, we can get some idea of how we are doing in relation to our neighbors.

The intention is to hold a concluding 'shoulder to shoulder' match at the end of the season, with the top scorers from each club qualifying for a place in the final. The highest score on the day will determine the SWEFTA Benchrest Champion.

For those who have not yet tried benchrest, the club has some practice targets available, and we also have the necessary rests for members to use. It looks easy, but this is deceptive - a 2mm circle at 25 Metres is a tough target, throw in a dose of Dartmoor wind and it sometimes seems all but impossible! But do not be put off, give it a go, you do not need any fancy equipment, any PCP rifle, and scope of 10x or more, is capable of a winning score.

Bi pods are just as capable as separate rests, and some people prefer to shoot off a simple front sandbag. Spring powered recoiling rifles could be used but would put shooters at a severe disadvantage in consistently hitting such a small mark - the game is difficult enough already!

If anybody is genuinely serious about getting involved, any of the regular competitors would be more than happy to offer some help and instruction in correct technique and understanding of the rules.
DMFTC Committee.

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